My name is Akia and I am fifteen years old. I currently go to Mayfair High School in Lakewood but I reside in Los Angeles. I love school even though it gets stressing at times. My favorite subject is science. It can get very complicated at times but I love to learn about things pertaining to science. In the future I plan to graduate from Mayfair High with high honors and go to college. Although I’m not sure as to what college I want to go to, I know that I will go to college and study to be a surgeon. I have big goals for myself when I get older and I plan on achieving them all. Preparing me for the future and all of my goals is the Upward Bound Math/Science Program. I have been enrolled in this program every since the fifth or sixth grade (I don’t remember which one). This program is to help minorities to start thinking about their future in the long run. But the main goal of this program is to get everyone into college. I’m happy to have the privilege to be in this program and I think that I will be very successful in a few years.